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Who We Are

Charitable Giving

As a trusted charitable organization founded in 2019, we provide assistance to the people who need it the most in the Greater Boston area.

Since our beginnings in 2019, Dynamo Fencing Foundation has always maintained a philanthropic set of beliefs and values. Among these are a commitment, transparency, and innovative approach to improving the lives of people in need.

Want to get involved?

Contact us to see what you can do to make a difference in the community you live in. Every little bit of help is needed and appreciated.

Our Mission:

The Dynamo Fencing Foundation is currently focusing our efforts on Ukraine.

Our mission:

- Assist in the safe evacuation of Ukrainian refugees

-  support Ukraine’s defense

- support Ukraine’s Junior and Cadet National Fencing Teams

Join the Cause

Foundation recent activities:

Kyiv Territory defense:

March - $1200

April - $1800

May - $

June - 


Medical and transportation:

March - $2658

April - $3150

May - $3005

June - 


Ukrainian Fencing Team:

Cadet and Junior World Championships registration fees - $3,552.75

Travel and food  - $1884.75

Accommodations and supplies - $5275.67





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